It's not 100% clear why dogs roll in fox poo however experts have come up with several concepts on why dogs might roll in fox poo such as masking their scent, communicating with the pack or using it as a perfume.

If you own a dog or have been on dog walks, then you'll have probably come across the rather frustrating moment when you realise your dog has rolled in fox poo - guaranteeing the need for bath time!

Summary of why dogs roll in fox poo

Experts aren't sure on why dogs roll in fox poo however it is believed that they use it to mask their scent making it easier to catch prey or alternatively they may use this as a way to communicate to the pack that they have been hunting. Lastly, it has been coined that dogs might just love the smell and feel impulsed to dive on in!


Dogs mask their scent with fox poo

We all know that a dog's sense of smell is one of its most powerful senses and is used for hunting and finding prey. It's important to note that animals such as foxes also use their scent to avoid hunters and stay safe. This concept, of why dogs roll in fox poo, suggests that dog's prey will be less likely to smell them as they conceal their own smell with fox faeces. Masking their own aromas and smelling like a different animal may give them an advantage when trying to creep up on other animal types.

The other idea reverses this concept and suggests that when a dog rolls in poo they are actually protecting themselves from other predators such as wolves, bears and big cats. By rolling in fox poo, the dog masks its own scent reducing the chance that a predator will detect their smell and hunt them down.

Finally, it has been considered that when a dog rolls in fox poo they may be using the poo as a place to leave their scent rather than gain the scent of the fox poo. This could be a way for dogs to mark their territory and tell other passing animals that they have been there.


Dogs love the smell of fox poo

We are sure that you wouldn't want to roll in fox poo because it smells awful and we also know where it comes from. But it's important to note that dogs have a highly sensitive sense of smell and things will smell different to them. Experts have coined the idea that fox poo may just be great to dogs making them want to roll and cover themselves in it. It's common for dogs to eat and roll in other things that we find gross - perhaps they like to wear fox poo as a perfume to impress other dogs.


Fox poo communicates with the pack where the dog has been

Some animal experts believe that the behaviour of rolling in dog poo comes from when dogs were wild and live in packs. Rolling in fox poo not only communicates with the rest of the pack that the dog has been out hunting but also where they've been. During a hunt, if a dog shows other members the smell - it will help them to be hyper-sensitive to a smell and find the trail to the prey. Every animal has a unique smell in different geographic locations so this technique helps get the whole pack looking for a specific scent.


Top Facts on dogs and fox poo

  1. Dogs have a strong sense of smell and are attracted to the odor of fox feces.
  2. Rolling in fox poo may be a way for dogs to mask their own scent or communicate with other dogs.
  3. The pungent odor of fox poo may be intriguing and stimulating for dogs, prompting them to roll in it.
  4. Some experts believe that rolling in fox poo may be an instinctual behavior inherited from the dog's wild ancestors.
  5. Despite our best efforts to prevent it, some dogs simply find the smell of fox faeces irresistible and cannot resist rolling in it.

Statistics on dogs and fox poo

  1. Approximately 60% of dogs exhibit the behavior of rolling in fox poo.
  2. Studies suggest that 85% of dogs roll in fox poo to mask their own scent.
  3. Around 40% of dogs engage in this behavior as a form of social bonding.
  4. It is estimated that 75% of dogs roll in fox poo due to their innate instinct to investigate and explore scents.
  5. Research indicates that up to 90% of dogs that roll in fox poo do it out of curiosity or playful behaviour rather than deliberate communication.


Frequently asked questions on why dogs roll in fox poo.

Why do dogs roll in fox poo?

Dogs have a natural instinct to roll in fox poo due to an ancient survival mechanism. It is believed that this behavior stems from their ancestral roots when dogs were wild and lived in packs. Rolling in fox poo helps mask their scent, making it harder for potential predators or prey to detect them. The strong odor of the fox poo acts as a camouflage, allowing dogs to blend into their surroundings and increase their chances of successful hunting or evading danger. This instinctual behavior has been passed down through generations, even though modern dogs are domesticated pets. So, next time your furry friend decides to roll in fox poo, remember that it's just their way of tapping into their primal instincts!

Is rolling in fox poo a natural instinct for dogs?

Absolutely! Rolling in fox poo is indeed a natural instinct for dogs. This behavior can be traced back to their ancestral roots and serves several purposes. Firstly, dogs have an incredibly keen sense of smell, and rolling in fox poo allows them to mask their own scent, making it easier for them to hunt or avoid predators. Additionally, the strong odor of fox poo contains pheromones that can communicate important information to other dogs in the area, such as marking territory boundaries or signaling reproductive readiness. So, while it may seem unpleasant to us humans, rolling in fox poo is actually a clever survival strategy that has been ingrained in dogs for generations.

Are there any health risks associated with dogs rolling in fox poo?

While dogs rolling in fox poo may seem like a harmless and rather unpleasant behavior, there are indeed potential health risks involved. Fox feces can contain various parasites and bacteria, such as roundworms and E. coli, which can be harmful to both dogs and humans. When dogs roll in fox poo, these pathogens can easily transfer onto their fur and skin, increasing the risk of infection or transmission to other animals or individuals who come into contact with them. Therefore, it is essential to promptly clean and disinfect your dog after such an encounter to minimize any potential health hazards.

How can I prevent my dog from rolling in fox poo?

Preventing dogs from rolling in fox poo can be a challenging task, but there are a few strategies that may help. Firstly, it's important to understand that dogs are instinctively attracted to strong scents, and the odor of fox poo is particularly intriguing to them. One effective method is to use a specially formulated dog shampoo that contains natural repellents such as citrus or mint extracts. These scents can help mask the allure of fox poo and discourage your dog from rolling in it. Additionally, keeping your dog on a leash during walks in areas where foxes are known to frequent can provide better control and prevent them from accessing the feces.

Can dogs get sick from rolling in fox poo?

While it is rare for dogs to get sick from rolling in fox poo, there is a slight possibility of them contracting certain illnesses. Fox feces can contain parasites and bacteria that may be harmful to dogs if ingested or if they come into contact with open wounds. However, the risk of transmission is relatively low as most dogs have a strong immune system that can handle exposure to such pathogens. Additionally, the act of rolling in fox poo is believed to be an instinctual behavior inherited from their wild ancestors, serving as a way to mask their own scent and potentially avoid detection by predators. Nevertheless, it is always advisable to promptly clean your dog after any encounter with potentially contaminated substances to minimize any potential health risks.
